JULY 6-11, 2025
Youth from grades 6-12 will gather together at Refreshing Mountain Camp in Stephens, PA. Campers will enjoy six days and five nights of fellowship, Bible Study, teaching, and recreation. Facilities include lodge rooms, buffet meals, a pool with interactive water features, gymnasiums, outdoor basketball, ziplining, and much more.
All in attendance are sure to walk away from this week-long retreat refreshed, renewed, and ready to take their faith to the next level.
If you are interested in learning more about Summer Assembly, please contact Susan Tabone, CE Summer Assembly Chair
The mission of Summer Assembly is to disciple young people in their Christian faith, develop community with other believers, and encourage students to live out their calling.
CE's own Josh Good is speaker this year!
​Cost: $390
Register by April 30, 2025 to secure a room and t-shirt
with full payment and paperwork.
M&Ms - $200
Group leaders can register their group in 3 easy steps:
1: Get the Forms
Every Youth and Adult individual needs a *Registration Form (print and fill out both pages, including the medical information), a *copy of front and back of their health insurance card, and *camp's release form. Each group also needs a Group Reservation Form, Roommate Assignment Form and Child Protection Agreement Form (info listed below, click title in bold to download each form).
Paperwork for all participants:
*Adult Registration Form - due by April 30 w/health insurance card
*Youth Registration Form - due by April 30 w/health insurance card
*Family Registration Form - due by April 30 w/health insurance card
*Refreshing Mountain Release Form - due by April 30
Paperwork for group leaders:
Group Reservation Form - due by April 30 w/full payment per person
Roommate Assignment Form - due by April 30 w/forms
Child Protection Agreement Form - due by June 28
Roster Tool - this is a tool to assist you in organizing your paperwork
2: Fill out the Forms and Collect Deposit Money
Each youth and adult participant must complete a registration/medical form, and the camp's release form, plus provide a copy of front and back of their health insurance card. Also a full payment is required for all participants.
3: Mail Your Forms and Full Payment by April 30*
Register by April 30 to secure your room with your paperwork.
​The deadline for all registrations is April 30.
Mail all group payments in one church check (not individual checks) payable to "Christian Endeavor"
and paperwork to: Nancy Thompson (address is on Group Reservation Form).
Christian Endeavor takes protecting children, teens and adults very seriously from any abuse or accusation of abuse. To ensure all who attend are protected and provided help in the case of accusations, we require cleared background checks to be on file for every person who attends who is age 18 or older at the time of the event.
If you're a high school graduate / college-aged young adult who loves Summer Assembly and wants to serve teens, we encourage you to consider being an M&M.
1. What are M&Ms?
M&Ms are Mentors and Motivators
Mentor - noun, a trusted counselor or guide
Motivator - noun, a positive motivating influence or example
Their primary job is to be role models for the teens at Summer Assembly. They do this by setting a great example of Christian character, values, and conduct throughout the week.
2. What do M&Ms do?
M&Ms primarily serve as encouraging group leaders for the youth throughout the week. They get to know their youth and look for opportunities to encourage and challenge them. In addition, M&Ms serve by: leading evening devotions, leading team competitions, helping with session drama, and facilitating late night options.
3. What is required to be an M&M?
*be a high school graduate
*be recommended by their church/youth leader
*be available for the entire week of Summer Assembly
*pay the M&M registration cost of $200 with Adult Registration Form and Refreshing Mountain Release Form and a copy of your health insurance card and a clear background check.
4. How can I become an M&M?
If you are interested in being an M&M, do the following:
*Fill out an M&M Application Form
*Give an M&M Youth Leader Recommendation Form (in the application) to your Youth Leader or Pastor
*Give an M&M Recommendation Form (in the application) (other than youth leader or family member) to 2 other people who know you well
*Complete necessary background clearances (see Child Protection section above)
*Mail your M&M Application to:
Christian Endeavor - Summer Assembly
PO Box 67
Uwchland, PA 19480
Make check payable to: "Christian Endeavor"