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Paid summer internships for 18-24 year-olds to build God's Kingdom through service by growing in leadership experiences, vocational training and spiritual maturity

JOin The Team

As part of the CE Mission Weeks Summer Staff you will be equipped and positioned to make a difference for Christ. Specifically, you will sharpen skills you can apply during the summer that will also be useful as you live at school, church, in the workplace, with family and in the wider community. A focused week is dedicated to training you for your Summer Staff experience including spiritual growth exercises, team building, personal development assessments, processing situational case studies, customer service best practices, and a day by day preparation process for all team and individual tasks. 

Therapy Session


Compensation depends on summer position fulfilled and for the amount of weeks required. Food, lodging, and registration costs, are all covered by Christian Endeavor. You can receive additional financial compensation through support raising. The CE office provides assistance for those choosing this direction.


We select up to eight high school graduates, ages 18-24, to offer the most amazing week of the summer to attendees.

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Facilities Coordinator

Provide excellent customer

service to all camp participants, oversee lodging facility logistics, and

support the volunteer team with leadership, encouragement, and a

servant’s heart as the Facilities Coordinator.

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Program Coordinator

The program Coordinator leads high-quality, interactive, and

faith-building experiences through morning and evening Camp Gatherings.


Worship coordinator

Have you led worship for your youth group? Coordinate and lead our daily worship times for Mission Weeks!

"Working with Christian Endeavor both as a camper, and a summer staffer, has been a huge blessing to me. It's kept me on a perspective that reminds me that life is about more than just myself. I'm on this earth to serve God and others. C.E. gives me the opportunity to fellowship with campers and homeowners in need. I couldn't ask for a better way to serve the Lord."

- Scott Harley

Image by Benjamin Combs

Visual Media Coordinator

Are you an avid videographer? Photographer? As the Visual Media Coordinator you will be equipped and positioned to make a difference for Christ through media!

Jeans on Jeans _ Instagram_ _manny_edite

assistant Work site Coordinator

Do you love construction? Is carpentry, plumbing, or electrical work a passion? Would you like the opportunity to oversee and advise work site projects? We'd love to talk to you about being an Assistant Work Site Coordinator!

Summer Staff Registratio
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